Ahhh, my favorite place to be during a category 1 or tropical storm...is the lake. If the flood gates are closed, the adventure comes from climbing over the levee. If they're not closed, then you get to drive to the middle and get splashed by the enormous waves, which are nonexistent any other time of the year. My two favorite waves of the night include the one that moved the car and the one that made the kid disappear. (I have it on video if you need proof) :)
It's a Win-Win!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Posted by Msha at 5:08 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
More to Life
Thought for the day:
Don't settle for just achieving "the good life," because the good life is not good enough. You can have a lot to live on and still have nothing to live for.
Aim instead for "the better life." Figure out what you love to do--what God gave you a heart to do--and then do it for his glory.
(-Rick Warren)
Posted by Msha at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I Love NOLA...
Do you ever have those days when you just really love where you are? You love the city, the people, the culture? I feel that way about New Orleans a lot. I've had more and more of these days lately, and today was one of them. It's funny because I actually feel sorry for people who aren't here. Don't get me wrong--life is not always easy here. It's hard sometimes to find good friends or to find good parking :) But overall, I love it. Yes, I've talked about leaving from time to time, but the problem is that as soon as I come back, I'm immediately addicted again. Other cities also have cool things to do and gorgeous architecture and things that are unique to their city, but there's something different about NOLA. It has a culture that you can't find anywhere else, and I love it. Plus, there are always new and interesting things to do.
I love that I get to drive by the Superdome every morning on the way to work.
I love Uptown and the Garden District. I love the huge oaks that make all streets into little tunnels and how their branches dip down to a few feet off the ground at times as if they're providing extra seating :) And I love the streetcars and the new "lil easy" bus line-haha.
I love the random entertainment, like Bag of Donuts (the best coverband ever) and the random musicians that can be found on almost any street corner. I love the little theaters that show the classics at 12 everyday, complete with Looney Tunes special features, a host who was around when the movie originally released, and intermission halfway through the movie. (Hello Dolly was the show for the day, by the way, and it was such a fun experience.)
Posted by Msha at 6:22 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Looking Up
Things are going much better than last week. As I said the kids are slowing catching on to how things are going to work this year, so hopefully they'll keep getting better and better. (I can hope-haha) As promised last time, here are the pics from the past few weekends:
Us "monitoring" the grill - haha
We also got to go see our favorite cover band of all time - Bag of Donuts.
Also, I went home for my sister's birthday and got to hang out with my nephews for a while. Notice Grady is ALWAYS wearing his football pads, gloves, helmet, or some type of sports equipment. He's so funny :)
As if this weren't enough, I got to hang out this week with my best friend Court while she was in town for a seminar. Hopefully, we'll all be grilling out again in a little bit. And even more importantly - I finished doing progress reports! yay! Now on to finishing lesson plans and prepping for the next week. I have to get everything done before Friday, when I fly out to see more friends! I'm always up for something to look forward to - haha.
So, as Kidd Kraddick says, keep looking up, 'cause that's where it's at :)
Posted by Msha at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Not Doing So Well
So, I'm not doing a good job at all of keeping up with the blog now that I have a job where I never sit down and then come home exhausted - not that I'm giving excuses :) Don't get me wrong. School has been good. Slowly...very slowly...the kids are getting into a routine. Plus, it's been a challenge because every class I teach was previously taught by people that let the kids just have free time. And since I'm not giving free time, you can see how this would be a challenge :) But the kids will either catch on soon or they'll be in EXCELLENT shape due to running laps and doing jumping jacks when they don't follow instructions the first time they are given :)
I will say that weekends have been fun when I have enough energy to function :) Between rock climing, movies in the park, fun cover bands, grilling out, and ultimate frisbee in the park, the weekends have tried to make up for the weekdays when I have no life :) I'll post pics soon of some of the fun weekend activities. Plus, I got to go home last week and see the family, which is always fun.
So until the pics are posted and until the next blog...PERSEVERE. (That's mostly for me-haha) This too shall pass...and/or get better.
Conventiently, the memory verse for my class last week was John 16:33 - "In this world you will have many trials. But take heart, for I have overcome the world." :)
Posted by Msha at 6:49 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Summer Remix
Next up was the family vaca in Chicago - which I absolutely fell in love with. We hit the zoo, children's museum, Cubs-Cardinals game at Wrigley Field, Navy Pier, ferris wheel, boat tour, Sear's tower, Buckingham Fountain, tons of great restaurants, rode the El, and lots of other random stuff...all in 4 days. It was basically non-stop but absolutely amazing. It was a great time with family and friends...exception of the longest ride ever there and back.
I got to check something off my life list...riding an ostrich. It didn't have a little bridle in its mouth the way I always pictured, but close enough :)
Last up, the best missions camp ever - Merge. It was a great week, and God moved in amazing ways. One student who has been resisting a relationship with God for several years finally overcame his hatred for Christians and started his walk with the Lord. The week was long and extremely hard, since it was a week of manual labor and high energy kids when we had already had a long summer of camps and trips. But in the end, it may have been one of the most exciting times of the summer. It's the most laid back camp ever, and everyone seemed to have a great time.
Way to go Eagle's Brook Baptist
The group with Ms. Gracie at the end of the week
After recovering for a few days in Atlanta and then making my way back to New Orleans, it's now time to start the year off. We had teacher orientation last week and this week, and then kids start next Monday. It's going to be a great year, and I'm really excited about the diversity of things I get to teach this year. Good times...here we come! :)
So basically, I'll miss you summer. It's been good, but I guess it's time to come to an end.
Posted by Msha at 3:23 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Good Friends, Good Times
It's been an emotional but fun week. Between birthday parties and friends coming into town, it's been a little bit stressful but also a lot of fun. Friday was my last day at work, but they gave me had a really fun going away party and we even got most of the faculty to wear hollywood sunglasses - not an easy feat--but sooo funny if you knew them.
Now it's time to finish up SuperWow planning before heading to training Thursday. But yea for SuperWow!
Posted by Msha at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Yet Another Crazy Weekend
2 weekends in a row of craziness and endless hours in the car, but again it was very worth it. My nephews had their 3rd and 1st bday parties - so much fun, as usual. They had their own little cakes, lots of friends, and mucho fun.
The football monkey was a big hit...
...but he felt the same way we did when it was over - exhausted!
We also got to hit the beach at Gulfshores with our friends. We go far too long without getting to see each other, so it's always lots of fun to catch up, play, and learn new fitness tips (thanks Rudy-haha).
Posted by Msha at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
End of the Road
It's always bittersweet to come to the end of a stage in your life. That's where I find myself now. I'm sad to leave behind the friends and coworkers I have now, but I'm also excited to see what the next year will bring. Friday will officially end my era of coming to the seminary campus everyday. Since moving to New Orleans (and then re-moving here after Katrina), the seminary has been a major part of my life. I've been here everyday, whether it's for class or work. Even this past semester when I only had one class, I still spent 45 hours a week on this campus, if not more. I remember when I started. I didn't know anyone or where to find things or the minute details of seminary workings. Now, I know those things. I know the in's and out's of the campus and everything going on behind the scenes. It's really hard to leave a comfort zone and start over again in an unfamiliar setting with new faces, new rules, and new challenges, but it can also be an adventure.
And as usual, God is faithful. He has changed my heart and prepared me for this time in every way possible. I've learned so much about who I am and what I can do, as well as about life and people in general. I've met people who will forever influence my life and who have helped shape me to be the person I am today.
And as with every major change in my life, I am ready when (and only when) it is time to move on. And that's where I am now. While it is definitely sad and strange to be leaving, I'm ready and very excited to be moving on to a new challenge and a new adventure. I'm sure the ride will be bumpy, but the best ones always are. Plus, I'll officially be a true New Orleanian, seeing as I'm no longer attached to the city by school or work but rather by choice. A favorite quote at the seminary comes from one of our past presidents, who talked about New Orleans by saying, "First it gets in your hair, and then it gets on your nerves, and then it gets in your heart." And that's exactly how it is. No matter what happens, you're drawn to it and end up loving it more and more everyday, despite all of its problems.
I'm definitely going to miss the life and challenges I have now. But as I said before, I'm excited for the new challenges and for the future in general. For everything there is a season, and this one has been pretty good. I've definitely had my ups and downs, but overall the ride has been pretty good.
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven; a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away" Ecclesiastes 3:1-6
Posted by Msha at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A Day in the Park
This is backtracking a little, but last week was Mari's last week in town before moving to Virginia. But before she left we did get to hang out in one of my favorite places in the city...Audubon Park. The evidence is below:
Hangin Out and Chasing the Ducks
Then, we finished the day with a little run in the rain (interrupted by a job interview) and then some amazing pizza at Slice. 'Twas a fun day, indeed. If only more Saturdays could be like this. :)
Posted by Msha at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Weekend Craziness
Once again, I said I was going to do better about blogging more often, but I haven't. Instead of catching up all at once, I'm just going to start with this past weekend, and then I'll work backwards-ha.
It was a long weekend, but it was fun. However, I'm not sure if I'm ready to do it again next weekend. But it looks like that's how it's going to go. Maybe I'll try to sleep a lot this week getting ready for it. Now that sounds like fun! haha
Posted by Msha at 5:18 PM 1 comments