Sunday, September 20, 2009

I Love NOLA...

Do you ever have those days when you just really love where you are? You love the city, the people, the culture? I feel that way about New Orleans a lot. I've had more and more of these days lately, and today was one of them. It's funny because I actually feel sorry for people who aren't here. Don't get me wrong--life is not always easy here. It's hard sometimes to find good friends or to find good parking :) But overall, I love it. Yes, I've talked about leaving from time to time, but the problem is that as soon as I come back, I'm immediately addicted again. Other cities also have cool things to do and gorgeous architecture and things that are unique to their city, but there's something different about NOLA. It has a culture that you can't find anywhere else, and I love it. Plus, there are always new and interesting things to do.

I love that I get to drive by the Superdome every morning on the way to work.

I love Uptown and the Garden District. I love the huge oaks that make all streets into little tunnels and how their branches dip down to a few feet off the ground at times as if they're providing extra seating :) And I love the streetcars and the new "lil easy" bus line-haha.

I love the random entertainment, like Bag of Donuts (the best coverband ever) and the random musicians that can be found on almost any street corner. I love the little theaters that show the classics at 12 everyday, complete with Looney Tunes special features, a host who was around when the movie originally released, and intermission halfway through the movie. (Hello Dolly was the show for the day, by the way, and it was such a fun experience.)

I love that the city feels like a team with frequent pep rallies, despite the fact that there are so many people with so many differences. For example, every year the city picks artistic project and there's a city-wide effort make it happen. This year, the theme was streetcars, so there are over a hundred streetcars placed around the city painted by local artists, each representing the area where it's place. Or what about the fleur de lis? It's always been a symbol for New Orleans, but since Katrina, it's turned into a symbol of rebuilding and rebirth. Every house, car, and article of clothing in the city has it at some point, making us all feel as though we're connected somehow. We're all joined by the fact that 'we are new orleans.'

Yes, this all seems pretty cheesy. But if you've ever had a sports team or been a part of something that you were truly passionate about, then you know how I feel. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, then you should definitely come spend some time in New Orleans. I promise you won't regret it :)


Jeremy said...

I'm very late in reading/commenting, but I wanted to share that I really liked this post. We really live in the best city in the world.