Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Summer Remix

So, now that I've officially had a two-month hiatus, I guess it's time to get back into a regular routine and give an update on the summer. The best and biggest part of the summer was, of course, SuperWow. Here's a small taste:

Admin Booth Dress Code :)

The Pier Photo Shoot :)

Next up was the family vaca in Chicago - which I absolutely fell in love with. We hit the zoo, children's museum, Cubs-Cardinals game at Wrigley Field, Navy Pier, ferris wheel, boat tour, Sear's tower, Buckingham Fountain, tons of great restaurants, rode the El, and lots of other random stuff...all in 4 days. It was basically non-stop but absolutely amazing. It was a great time with family and friends...exception of the longest ride ever there and back.

I got to check something off my life list...riding an ostrich. It didn't have a little bridle in its mouth the way I always pictured, but close enough :)

Us on the glass balcony of the Sears (Willis) Tower - 103 floors up

Last up, the best missions camp ever - Merge. It was a great week, and God moved in amazing ways. One student who has been resisting a relationship with God for several years finally overcame his hatred for Christians and started his walk with the Lord. The week was long and extremely hard, since it was a week of manual labor and high energy kids when we had already had a long summer of camps and trips. But in the end, it may have been one of the most exciting times of the summer. It's the most laid back camp ever, and everyone seemed to have a great time.

Way to go Eagle's Brook Baptist

The group with Ms. Gracie at the end of the week

After recovering for a few days in Atlanta and then making my way back to New Orleans, it's now time to start the year off. We had teacher orientation last week and this week, and then kids start next Monday. It's going to be a great year, and I'm really excited about the diversity of things I get to teach this year. Good we come! :)

So basically, I'll miss you summer. It's been good, but I guess it's time to come to an end.


Jeremy and Laura McBryar said...

Awe- busy but WONDERFUL summer! I'm glad I got to spend a few of the weeks hanging out with you!