Sunday, September 14, 2008

What's Your Purpose?

What is it that you want to do, and what is it that you were meant to do? One of the mega trends of the past few years has been finding purpose. Obviously, there is an innate desire to have and fulfill a purpose, to find the meaning of life and what your role is in it. We are all here for a reason, and every person, whether they are a believer or not, can sense it.

But the real question is, when you find out what that purpose is, are you going to be willing to do your part, even if it means doing something that is hard or dangerous. Many people will ask you why you would be willing to go overseas or confront someone or do anything that seems unpleasant when you could choose not to do so. But what everyone forgets is that if we are doing what we were called to do, then we are much safer in that place or experience than we would be anywhere else. My mom used to worry about me going places and doing new things, but then she would always say, "But I know that God can take care of you there just as well as He can take care of you here."

My desire to be adventurous, to truly live, and to fulfill God's purpose is there for a reason, just as your desires and goals and purposes have been given to you for a reason. Don't back down from doing what you know you are supposed to do just because it doesn't seem safe or because other people don't understand. People will never fully understand. That's just part of the test of obedience.

Being the quote freak that I am:), I have a quote that often challenges me in these areas--to do things that will enable me to live and not just be alive but also to do what I am called to do, even when I don't want to, when it seems dangerous, or when other people just don't understand. And I hope you accept the challenge to do what you are called to do.

"The ship is safest when it is in port. But that's not what ships were made for."
- Paulo Coelho


izzythewiz1 said...

haha I love your blog its really kool with pictures and stuff. i just need to ask you how you upload those pictures? please get back to me as soon as you can or my blog will be in shreds!