Tuesday, September 2, 2008

T minus 1

So, I haven't done a very good job of keeping you updated about our training experiences for the AT Experience (from an earlier post in case you missed it). But tomorrow is the big day. FINALLY, we're going hiking. It came close to not happening several times, but we have overcome! :) Despite Hurricane Gustav and lots of other obstacles, we are still planning on going. I guess it just makes it part of the experience. AND, the best part is that we actually achieved all of the training goals we set for ourselves, even though we thought there was absolutely no way we could reach them by the time we were supposed to leave. Unfortunately, we never got to practice climbing steep hills with our packs on, because our plan was to go climb the levees this past weekend. Obviously, that didn't happen. Although if it had, I think we would've been much more prepared than we ever needed to be. :) :)

All this to say, all of our hard work will be tested over the next few days as we go on our hiking extravaganza. Just like the levees, we'll see if our hard work and preparation pays off. Hopefully, it will. Otherwise, this might be the last post I ever write...just kidding. I'll be sure to post pics when we get back, but until then be praying for us. Pray for new friendships (since I only know one person going), endurance and stamina, lots of learning experiences, and tons of fun!

So, until next time...


kelli beth said...

good luck! have FUN!!!!!!!!