Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hug a Cheesecake

Happy National Cheesecake Day!!!
(aka Cheesecake Awareness Day)

In celebration of this most wonderful holiday, we did the obvious...devoured some cheesecake...

Exhibit A: the cheesecake

Exhibit B: cheesecake leaving the building

This goes out to all those lonely cheesecakes, who had no one to share this momentous occasion with, who remain on the cold, dark shelf yet long to one day be a part of one of the best holidays ever :)

So, If you have not done so today, HUG A CHEESECAKE! Because cheesecake needs love, too.


Liz Amason said...

Hi There,
I am looking at blogs of folks in the NOLA area and came across yours.
I'm sitting in an exhibitor booth in a country fair in Eastern Oregon and I share with my neighboring exhibitors that I just found out we missed National Cheesecake Awareness Day. Everyone is aghast, saying WE WANT CHEESECAKE, WE WANT CHEESECAKE !!
My neigbhoring exhibitor is a DeMarle rep and is talking about making us cheesecake tonight in one of her DeMarle pans.
Funny, how things get started, (LOL).
Anyway, I was actually writing to tell you about a free event that is taking place in New Orleans on August 7th. Please check it out at my blog and if you'd like more info, just let me know.
Thanks and God bless,
Liz Amason