Things are going much better than last week. As I said the kids are slowing catching on to how things are going to work this year, so hopefully they'll keep getting better and better. (I can hope-haha) As promised last time, here are the pics from the past few weekends:
Rock climbing=good times :)
Taking a risk - climbing without the harness :)
For Labor Day, we grilled out in the park, which was an experience in itself. It all started with us buying a cheap grill on the way, so you can only imagine where the day went from there. But it turned out surprisingly well. Despite the off and on rain, we hung out, ate, and played ultimate frisbee - so the day was pretty good overall. We even got to hang out with some new friends.
Us "monitoring" the grill - haha

We also got to go see our favorite cover band of all time - Bag of Donuts.
Also, I went home for my sister's birthday and got to hang out with my nephews for a while. Notice Grady is ALWAYS wearing his football pads, gloves, helmet, or some type of sports equipment. He's so funny :)
As if this weren't enough, I got to hang out this week with my best friend Court while she was in town for a seminar. Hopefully, we'll all be grilling out again in a little bit. And even more importantly - I finished doing progress reports! yay! Now on to finishing lesson plans and prepping for the next week. I have to get everything done before Friday, when I fly out to see more friends! I'm always up for something to look forward to - haha.
So, as Kidd Kraddick says, keep looking up, 'cause that's where it's at :)