Thursday, February 26, 2009

Burned Out

So, I'm at a point in life when I'm really, really, really burned out. Unfortunately, life is not stopping. (How can I fix that?) :) I'm tired of living the same day over and over - work, school, church, school, a little fun, work, get it. While I do enjoy these things from time to time, I'm just ready for a break. But at the same time, I don't want to not do anything - I just want to do more of what I want to do. Yes, I know that sounds totally selfish and immature, but that doesn't mean I can't want it :) There are so many things I need (and want) to work on right now, but they are not at the top of the list, so I just keep waiting. How can I get everything done at once? How can I make time stand still? Will I ever be at a place where I'm doing what I really want to do?

Contrary to what it seems, I really am content. (I know all of my whinning in the last paragraph doesn't seem like it, but it's true.) I know that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be doing exactly what I'm doing. And on the upside, usually when I start getting restless it means that something is about to change--which is both exciting and scary.

So, all of this pointless rambling to say--I'm going to try especially hard this week and next week to get everything done that I need to do and even work ahead a little so that I can spend some time doing things that I really want to do. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to try to work in the things I want to do now, but my main goal is to go crazy on my to-do list and get everything done...or at least the things that have to be done soon. In the meantime, I'm not going to focus on being burned out. Instead, I'm going to get fired up to be productive!

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Friday, February 20, 2009


So, I've been at home for the past week helping my mom recoop from a major surgery. A couple of days my grandmother came over to help out, and she just so happens to love puzzles. Long story short, I started helping a little here and there and realized that puzzles can become addicting really quickly (as crazy as it seems). So, this huge puzzle has been sitting on our kitchen table for the past week, and every time I walk by I'll find a piece here and there and put them where they go.

Tonight, however, the puzzle taught me something. I was sitting at the table eating dinner (on top of the millions of puzzle pieces) and I started looking at them trying to see if I saw one that would fit. It was then that I was reminded once again how nothing makes sense when all you see are the pieces. It's nice when God sends reminders (when I'm not even looking for them) to reassure me that the big picture works out even when I can't make sense of the pieces. And the One who's putting it all together one piece at a time has the 'plan', so He can see that the end will bring about something absolutely amazing.

I've heard a thousand illustrations of this same point, but I think God constantly sends me new ones because this is how I'm forced to live my life. I know we all live day to day without really knowing what the future holds, but at least some people have a long-term plan to work towards. It can be discouraging sometimes when I can't see the big picture. So it's cool to know that even when I don't voice these concerns, God knows them and is willing to encourage me when I need it.

So, I guess all of this to say, don't lose hope. Life may seem like total chaos at times, and we may have no idea what the big picture is supposed to look like. But that's ok. Some people get to see the box lid ahead of time and some people have it revealed as they go. So I'll just have to be ok with learning as I go. Hey, it could be worse.
(And I do love surprises, so I guess I can't complain that God chose to let my life be one big surprise :D)

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Shout out to some of my sistas! :) Thanks for all you do! Love ya!!!
(By the way, this is no where near all of you, but I found these pics and they made me smile - so thanks.)
Amanda (my real sister) & I - obviously an old pic :)

Juls & Allison


MB, Ree, Tiff

Friday, February 13, 2009

See For Yourself

So, for everyone asking what Zumba is and why I'm addicted now, there's a link to a video below. (Warning: If you watch this video, there is a chance you also may be immediately addicted--justs a heads up) :D

This video is actually about 10 minute long, but you'll be able to see what Zumba is in the first minute. So you don't actually have to watch the whole thing. However, you'll probably want to, and I'm sure if you follow along and try it, you'll have a good workout with just the 10 minute video. (Imagine doing this for an hour straight--that's Zumba.)


Monday, February 9, 2009

You're Not Forgotten

You're not forgotten...this is what I need to say to so many things--including old friends, travel tests, weekend road trips, sleeping late, playing tennis, choreography, exercising every day, getting out of my comfort zone, ...

I used to be able to fit so many things into the day and never get tired. What happened? Is this what it's like to get old? :) Every once in a while I remember something that I haven't done in a while that I miss so much. It's on those days that I make a pact that I'm going to make time for the things that matter--not just the things I have to do but the things I want to do. Life's too short, and if I can only fit a few things in, they might as well be things I love. That doesn't mean I won't do the things I have to do--responsibility doesn't just go away (although that would be nice every once in a while). :) But I could definitely have better time management, take better care of myself, etc.

I have improved lately. I've been going swing dancing more, doing Zumba, going to Audobon park, etc., but what I really want is to return to some of the things that I used to do--things I fell in love with but have somehow left behind along the way.

So today's the day! You can be my accountability - today's the day I start getting it together and start living again; it's the day I start having life more abundantly :)

Friday, February 6, 2009


So it's official. I'm finally addicted to something besides New Orleans... Zumba! It's sooo much fun, and it does NOT feel like exercise. (It's a mix of Latin dancing and aerobics, so you can only imagine how much fun it is.) I'm pretty sure everyone should try it. And in a few short weeks, I'll be a certified instructor, which also is sooo fun :) haha

Maybe we should have a Zumba party...hmmm... :D

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yea, She's Good

Just a few Elisabeth Elliot quotes. Oh, she's good... :D

“When ours are interrupted, his are not. His plans are proceeding exactly as scheduled, moving us always (including those minutes or hours or years which seem most useless or wasted or unendurable) toward the goal of true maturity.”

“God is God. Because He is God, He is worthy of my trust and obedience. I will find rest nowhere but in His Holy will, a will that is unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what He is up to.”

“The will of God is never exactly what you expect it to be. It may seem to be much worse, but in the end it’s going to be a lot better and a lot bigger.”

“There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for. ”