Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Our pastor's sermon a few weeks ago had to do with the recession, mainly how it could be a good thing. Could this be possible?

Actually, it can. In the Old Testament, God repeatedly warned the people before they entered a time or place of prosperity to resist the temptation to let it rule them. And time after time the people turned from God, causing Him to be forced to take their idols from them.

So for a little perspective, consider this--according to a survey of expenditures in the late 1980s and early1990s, Americans spent:
~ twice as much on cut flowers as overseas Protestant ministries
~ twice as much on women's sheer hosiery
~ 5 times as much on pets
~ 17 times as much on diets & diet-related products
~ 20 times as much on sports actvities
~ 26 times as much on soft drings
~ 140 times as much on legalized gambling
~ yet American Christians only gave slightly more to charitable organizations than other Christians, considering family income
~ Also, only 5% of the world's population has ever logged on to the internet, and 500 million workers are unable to keep their families above the $1 povery line.
(And that was in the early 90s--consider how much more we spend on these things now.)

Basically, America has learned to determine what is "normal" based on circumstances that are highly "unnormal." We're obsessed with getting more and are never satisfied. Our pastor said that all of the businesses in the world would fail if an epidemic of contentment broke out, and it's true.

But the hard question that we as a church are asked is, "Have you been praying for a revival in this nation?" Hopefully so. But if that is the case, maybe we are getting exactly what we asked for. In order for God to turn the hearts of His people back to Himself, he must remove their idols. What are America's idols? You guessed it--money, possessions, wealth. What better way to get our attention that to take away what we've been putting our trust and hope in as opposed to the One who deserves it?

Going through Hurricane Katrina was a unique experience, to say the least. But in the end, the city of New Orleans prospered because of it--spiritually speaking. Even today, the city has never been more open to receiving help and to talking about spiritual matters. Enduring a devastating loss of material possessions brings you to a place where openness and humility can occur. Our nation is now approaching that same "place" and a time when people are willing to try anything and will reassess what they've been putting their trust in, realizing that money may not always be there...but God will. Maybe this time of economic turmoil is exactly what we need as a nation. But Christians must take this opportunity rather than just letting it pass us by.

So am I really thankful for the recession? Not always, but I definitely realize that we have been given a great opportunity for growth and revival in our own personal lives and also as a nation. So now, the only question left to ask is, what are we going to do with this opportunity? Better yet, what are you going to do? . . .

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's My Party...

My first official day back in NOLA just happened to be my bday--always fun :) I was grateful to get the many, many, many texts, facebook messages, emails, parties, etc. It's also nice to be in NOLA for your bday, seeing as everyone pins money to you, which lets everyone else know it's your birthday, which leads to more money being pinned on.

The evening ended with presents, cupcakes, cards, and amazing food from Ye Olde College Inn (best pulled duck, barbeque shrimp, and fried bread pudding in the city!)

This is me getting a gift card to Perrino's, which is a landscaping place-haha.

Julie double-fisting it & MB w/ the fried bread pudding

The infamous fried bread pudding-looks gross, but I promise it's not :)

And Jeremy's bday was the next day - so he got his own cake, complete w/ chocolate reindeer being ridden by Flat Stanley (it's a teacher thing-ha)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Road Trip

So over the break I got some major quality time with the road, a beloved frenemy :D. Between going around NOLA, then to MS for Xmas with the fam, then to Georgia for YEC, then back to MS for a while, then back to NOLA...(you get the idea), we had lots of time to bond. But it was VERY worth it.

While I was home for Xmas I got to see these guys...soooo cute.

YEC was amazing this year. 164 kids got saved, and SWOW staffers got to reunite, even if only for a few days :) (Amazingly, we semi-get paid to do what you're about to see) :D

(Matching-as always, black nails & all) :)

And after it was all over, I returned to New Orleans, a city I feel I'll always be addicted to. I mean, when you think about the people, sites, activities, endless parades, palm trees - how could I not be? After all, this is what I see when I'm driving home from work... :D

It was good to go home, and now it's good to be home.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy New Year!

So, I just realized that it's 2 1/2 weeks into the new year and I haven't posted ANYTHING since last year! What is my problem?! :) So since a lot has happened, I'll break it down in a few posts. You're welcome :)

So here's a little bit from New Year's:

The night started w/ us eatting cake from the movie Matillda -seriously it was HUGE. We used the icing as lipstick, but chocolate just doesn't have the coverage of the real stuff:)

Then on for a little racing and arcade action at Andretti's. I'm practicing for when I learn to surf, and apparantly Court is focusing VERY hard while flying a helicopter

These were basically my last few hours of 2008. And it wasn't very long into 2009 that my head found a pillow seeing as I had driven 9-10 hours in the past few days and had another 10-11 to come.
So in conclusion:

1. New Year's was fun

2. I am getting old

3. I drive a lot

4. I'm pretty sure I have a future in surfing, especially if surfing success depends on hitting random coins floating the in the air to win points